Skin From Within - Our Microbiome
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am
I wrote a post recently on the skins PIN code, something I use with clients to achieve the best possible outcomes in general well being and skin health. Skin care is, of course an important factor in our skin health as is our thought processes but diet and lifestyle are the true key to the health of the skin.
We are what we are by what we eat, experience and inherit. We start experiencing from week six of conception and while we are in our mothers womb we start to lie down our genetic blueprints but how we are born also plays a role in our skin health to a degree.
Our microbiome are microorganisms that live within our body and on our skin. They are a vast army of microbes that protect us against germs, produce vitamins and breakdown foods to release energy to our cells.
Babies that are born naturally will be exposed to the vaginal microbes – lactobacillus, introducing normal gut microbes and strengthening the infants gut by producing specific cytokines, 85% of the immune system is found in the gut wall and our overall health is dependent on the microbes found there. Babies that are a C-section delivery will be exposed to the skin flora – staphylococcus, introducing abnormal microbes to the infants gut leading to a disruption of the intestinal microbe production, increasing the risk to sensitivities, allergies and auto immune diseases throughout life.
Now, of course your life’s immune system is not dependent on if you was born naturally or c-section but it would mean you may have a disadvantage if you was not first exposed to vaginal microbes – a newborn babies immune system is also boosted if they are breast fed, breast milk supports gut flora.
A good diet will help with skin health but it is not as simple as that, with all types of intolerance’s and emotional turmoil, stress etc all these are par for the course of an unhappy gut. The role of the gut is for digestion and absorption of nutrients, without good gut flora we cannot absorb nutrients efficiently. The gut produces vitamins, we have our very own vitamin factory within our gut producing Vitamins K2, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12. The gut also detoxify’s, ridding toxicity which in turn regenerates enterocytes (tiny cells that cover the villi in the gut) and it monitors the immune system.
Mosquito’s are not attracted to ‘sweet blood’ that is a myth. They are attracted to the microbiome on our skin, which also determines the health of our gut. Antibiotics, OTC medications, alcohol, processed foods (poor diet), heavy metals, fillings, environmental pollution all cause damage to the gut. Damage to the gut leads to lack of protection so there will be an increased threat of attack from free radicals. Enterocytes die allowing tiny gates in the villi to open letting undigested food, toxins and microbes pass into the bloodstream causing intolerances.
Gut flora is essential for overall health that will reflect in the skin so it is so important to look at your lifestyle and diet, include essential vitamins to strengthen the gut.
Food to avoid:
- Starchy vegetables like peas, sweet potatoes & beans
- Dairy
- Processed foods
- Sugar
Foods to introduce;
- Fresh vegetables
- Green Tea
- Red wine ;0)
- Nuts, seeds
- Fermented foods
- Berries
- Eggs
- Fish
- Vitamin D3/K2
- Probiotic
- Fermented Cod Liver Oil (has good balance of vitamin A & D)
- Digestive Enzymes
- Epsom or Himalayan salt baths
- Apple Cider Vinegar bath
- Organic enema
The British Gut Organization urgently need a large scale collection of human samples. Over 7 thousand people have already signed up in America already- but they need many more from the UK . By doing so you are not only having the chance to find out exactly how healthy your guts microbiome is but also contribute to the study and research of The British gut Project.
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