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Medical Ozone Ear Insufflation


Ear Insufflation is the gentle introduction of ozone via the ear canal. There are many pathogens in the ear, with ear insufflation, ozone has the ability to sterilise, along with the possibility of stimulating growth factors necessary for healing and repairing. Ozone may also help sinus infections, blockages, and issues. It is believed that the effects of ozone are able to travel throughout the sinus cavity through the tubes connecting the ear and sinus.

Inactivates and kills bacteria, protozoa, yeast fungi, and virus
May improve circulation
May decrease inflammation
May improve oxygen efficiency and usage
May increase energy
May stimulate growth factors in the ear
May decrease brain fog and stimulate positive effects in the brain



    This treatment is only available at the Norfolk practice.

    • Therapy Process
      • Ozone Therapy is used to provide beneficial health benefits to the body along with implementing it as a preconditioning therapy - a preventative measure for overall wellbeing. 
        Ozone O3 delivers super enriched oxygen at a cellular level and may help to optimise cell function, thus increasing energy levels. It may also boost and balance immunity; it may improve blood circulation, harmonise hormones and enhance nervous system.

      • Therapy Contraindications and possible side effects                                                                                    
        • Punctured Eardrum
        • Ozone Allergy                                                                                                                
        • Citrus Allergy
        • hyperthyroidism
        • transplanted organ

        Possible side effects

        • Herxheimer reaction, where ozone quickly kills off bacteria and byproducts are produced, causing irritation, discomfort and inflammation.
        • Ozone begins to remove blockages in the ears
        • An ozone allergy or sensitivity

        Ozone is very dry and may cause further dryness in the ears. This is why we use the humidifier for the Ozone Gas.

        Always refer to your Medical Practitioner if you are unsure if it is safe for you to proceed with Ozone Therapy

      How it's done

      • STEP 1
      • After a full consultation and explanation of treatment, the area will be cleansed.

      • STEP 2
      • A silicone tipped stethoscope will be applied to the ears 

      • STEP 3
      • Ozone is introduced to the water flask which then introduced hydrated Ozone to the ears

      • STEP 4
      • Therapy takes 15 minutes

      • STEP 5
      • Aftercare is given.