Where Are You?
Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am
Where are you? I am not talking about your exact physical location but your whole being, your consciousness, your soul.
Mindfullness is one thing but it can be a process of going through the motions of breathing or ‘meditating’ and yet not actually receiving or allowing yourself to truly accept and understand, to surrender and connect to the center of awareness.
To do this we have to understand that first and foremost our inner path, our deep level of being is very much part of the human body as your physical organs are. The problem we have is that our focus is drawn from the head or emotions and when this happens we can disconnect. For example when we are angry, frustrated or anxious our focal point will be very much on the sensitivities these emotions bring to the physical body but when we connect with the centre of awareness then we can listen to the body rather than get a confused conversation. When we act from the head we get a partial perspective to things it is like putting your head underwater and trying to hear a poolside conversation when in fact the conversation is underwater with you – it is you.
When we react to stress in a psychological way we do not ‘tune’ into the body and this is where irrational and irractic behaviour occurs this is where the partial perspective comes into play. By allowing your body to connect and listen to signals it gives we are able to then rationalise and attune to environmental, emotional and physical stresses.
It is believed the center of awareness is within the central core of the body – the pelvic bowl and in this place the psoas (pronounced so-az) muscle resides. The psoas muscle is the muscle that attaches the upper body to the lower body it connects the powerful nerves, tendons, fascia and ligaments within the pelvic bowl and is the muscle that connects to the diaphragm via the anatomy trains, which is why breathing techniques linked to the pelvic bowl is ultimately the way to embodied awareness. This is a muscle that is the one I personally link to the image of the evolution of man, the one that from Homo Habillis to Homo Erectus is one that visibly shows the evolment of the psoas and another important function of it -posture, functionality and movement of the human form.
The psoas is such an important part of awareness as is the perenium, yes the perenium! Step away from the fact this zone is locked into a sexual genre that sits between the anus and genitals and for a moment think outside of the box – the perenium is infact the central point of all grounding, it is the point that links to the center of our trunk a point with deep energies that flow and ebb throughout the body and services the ernergy of the heart, lungs and mind. It is also the point of focus with inner core work.
We know that the stomach is known as the second brain, its health is crucial for immunity through the body. Anxiety and stress all have a physical impact on the stomach which also reflects in the skin but it is important to know that each system is part of the whole not separate or disconnected.
Sensitivities and sensations within the body communicate directly to our headspace. We are programmed that if we have pain be it emotional or physical the message sent to our head is one of disconnect -we either push the pain away, take a pill or plaster it over. We have to learn to listen to pain and sensitivities as our body’s language to take stock and to heal.
Overthinking from irrational emotions will overwhelm and disconnect – remember what we feel, think or experience as ‘correct’ may not necessarily be ‘harmonious’ to us mentally, emotionally or physically.
This is where my work as a Noetic & Bowen therapist comes into play by allowing the body to re-connect, re-programme and heal.
So when I ask the question ‘where are you?’ I simply mean are you disconnected from yourself, from your mind, your emotions or your history (that leave physical implicit tissue memories)?
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