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Less Is More

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

I have spoken about fascia before in posts about the Bowen Technique. It is something that plays such a huge part in the health of the human being yet it is grossly overlooked in anatomy....

Cause You Gotta Have Faith

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

Faith is something that is often confused with religion – to me, faith is a belief in the greater good for something, someone or all. When we are told of the fantastic benefits of a...

Molecules In Motion

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

Many products have ‘wonder claims’ that they can penetrate the skin with the amazing ingredients they hold but how does this happen? How can  molecules that are simply to big  penetrate further than the epidermis?...

No Pain No Gain

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

Today I had a client in for a consultation. Her skin was severely impaired and I asked her what skin care she currently used and if she had any advanced treatments. She continued to reel...

Free Radicals, Are They All Bad?

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

A free radical is an element that has an unpaired electron, this makes the electron highly charged and unstable causing a lot of damage by rampaging through the body cells in a very short space...

Skin From Within - Our Microbiome

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

I wrote a post recently on the skins PIN code, something I use with clients to achieve the best possible outcomes in general well being and skin health. Skin care is, of course an important factor...


Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

Niacinamide is one of the ingredients I use in my Masterlift cocktails, a fabulous booster for optimum skin health – so what is Niacinamide? Niacinamide is one of those ingredients that fly under the radar, it has...

The Salts Of You

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

Biochemic Medicine is the use of tissue salts, although there are variations the main are the use of twelve specific salts that are found within the body and are ESSENTIAL for overall wellbeing and homeostasis....

Collagen Supplements, Do They Work?

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

I am writing this post as I find it a little frustrating that there are sweeping statements that ‘Collagen supplements don’t work’. The first thing I want to say is there is no ‘one size...

Let Nature Heal And Soothe You

Gepostet von Marie Reynolds am

I am writing this post because so many people have contacted me about the amazing results they have experienced with MRL Restore . For me it is no surprise, I created this product initially for wound healing,...