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publicado por Marie Reynolds el

Since the global pandemic of COVID19 there has been a dramatic soar in Telemedicine. For me personally, I have always offered online consultations, this has taken over my days in clinic along with Energetic therapies and scanning Worldwide. There has been an increase in the delivery of Zyto Hand Cradles to clients and kits for Energy Testing so they can have the luxury of information about their wellbeing along with guidance to a health plan to support immunity and overall health in real-time without leaving their homes. Making it a service that is more accessible, especially if the client lives in another state, region or country.

Telemedicine  literally means healing at a distance, it is a method of providing services to clients via the internet; Skype, FaceTime, Zoom are a favourite of many but also scanning devices and the humble telephone. These services provide the client information including treatment options, and  wellbeing prescriptions as long as there is access to the internet. Telemedicine can also consist of monitoring a client remotely as well as sharing the patient’s information with other health professionals to improve health outcomes.

Telemedicine is not a new approach, the pandemic has made a significant impression in the rise of these services but this method has been steadily increasing from 2010 in hospitals and healthcare centres and with the use of smartphones you can literally dial in anywhere and at any time.

There is nothing better than human touch and face to face (in clinic) services BUT this method and approach for those who may be unable to get to a clinic or is time poor,  is a fantastic way to experience direct care.

To see how the Energy Therapy works distantly read the blog here

For Energy Scans click here

To purchase the Zyto Hand Cradle click here

For further information click here

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