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Fusion with Colonic Hydrotherapy


Please Note: This treatment is for the Norfolk Clinic NOT London Clinic

The Fusion is a breakthrough facial rejuvenation method created by Marie Reynolds incorporating intra-dermal needles, facial acupuncture, gold micro-magnets, lymphotouch and a copper oxide microcurrent mask to stimulate qi (life force)  promoting flow of nutrients and oxygen into the skins tissues. Its precision-guided, cutting edge technologies target the core essence of facial rejuvenation leaving the skin glowing and sculpted.

A Colonic Hydrotherapy is undertaken after your Masterlift to ensure you really are glowing from the inside out!

Please note this therapy is done at the Norfolk Clinic


  • You must have a light meal two hours before your treatment
  • Please bring your own large towel.
    • Further Information
    • Colonic hydrotherapy detoxifies & re-energises your system, and can even aid in minimising allergies and skin problems.

      Colon Hydrotherapy aims to help with the following:
      • Hydrating the colon
      • Reducing the toxic overload
      • Increasing vitality and performance
      • Reducing sluggishness and bloating
      • Detoxification, achieving a clearer complexion
      • Kick starting a weight management programme
      • Allergies and intolerances
      • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
      • Constipation and flatulence
      • Diarrhoea
      • Skin problems
      • Headaches

        How it's done

        • STEP 1
        • A full consultation and explanation of treatment. will commence.

        • STEP 2
        • Double cleanse follow with ultrasonic.

        • STEP 3
        • Lymphotouch to the face & neck to clear metabolic waste

        • STEP 4
        • Strategic placement of the micro magnet matrix

        • STEP 5
        • Copper infused Hyaluronic mask is applied with micro current .

        • STEP 6
        • Serums, spritz and hydrators are applied with SPF

      • STEP 7
      • You will be asked to prepare yourself for the Colonic Hydrotherapy (Please refer to this treatment to read the steps taken).