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Safety In Beauty

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

With an increase of horrific conditions and dissatisfaction caused by beauty treatments and clinical procedures, Antonia Mariconda decided in 2013 to launch #SAFTEYINBEAUTY . Since then the campaign has gained much support by industry professionals and experts...

Pregnancy Skin

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Pregnancy draws on all resources from the body to enable the unborn child to develop into a healthy, bouncing baby. The skin during pregnancy also has immense changes ranging from breakouts, pigmentation, dehydration and oily...

Invest in The Skin You’re in!

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Tell me, why is it looked upon that skin care and facial treatments are deemed a ‘luxury’ when they are most certainly a necessity? To have a facial treatment is usually a treat us women...

The Dark Circle Conundrum

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

The dreaded dark circle is plagued by many a person, male and female. I decided to write this post because I have read a few blogs this week about dark circles, which are great for...

Gods Pharmacy

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

What ever your belief or religion, whoever you choose your God to be, (I like to refer to G.O.D – Guardian Of Destiny), you cannot deny there is a higher power, a Master Creator of our beautiful planet....

Progressive VS Aggressive

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

The gorgeously clever Andy Millward, Aesthetician and Beauty Writer wrote about the effects of progressive vs aggressive skin treatments, here he shares his pearls of wisdom: Primum Non Nocere – it means ‘First do no harm’ in Latin and...

Invest in the GREENS Party

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

No this is not part of a Party Political Campaign – but it IS a shout out for the fabulous Energetix Green Essence Concentrate – I am SO excited about this product, I am always advising clients...

And Sleep……..

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

A little while ago now, I had the pleasure of spending a morning with the Britain’s leading Beauty Journalists, I was Guest Speaker at The Berkeley Hotel speaking about why sleep is important for the...

The Proof is in the Pudding!

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

I have raised some debate before on the use of topical ingredients on the skin that have had extreme adverse reactions and expressed how I base my opinions on Empirical Research NOT research that is available on...

The Transgender Tag!

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Debates on professional and non professional social networking sites are something I avoid, however, a particular debate recently lured me into the gladiator arena with my net and trident. The question : Is it acceptable and...