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Captive Emotions

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

The body is a miraculous thing and once you understand the clues it possesses you can start to find solutions. To think the mind is a separate entity to the physical body is a mad...

While You Were Sleeping

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

So what actually happens to our skin when we sleep? I wrote a post on the importance of sleep and some tips for a healthy nights sleep but I wanted to also elaborate on what happens to...

The Importance Of Hydration

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Dehydration plays a part in an array of problems to the body and skin. We all know the importance of drinking water… or do we? Water is essential to life, we can live for days...

Roll With The Punches

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

This post covers most sports injuries but I am focusing on those sustained in Boxing. I have many friends and acquaintances who box as well as frequenting York Hall in my youth and I have...

Miraculous Mycelium

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

If I told you that the simple mushroom is just a small part of an integral universe that lies underground, part of a magnificent living organism that feeds the earth, that acts as a communication...

Living With Fibromyalgia

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is hard to diagnose, there are no tests to pinpoint this illness, no cure as yet although The Bowen Technique is a great alternative to manage the symptoms and treat the underlying...

Brush Strokes

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Being a skin therapist I am constantly being asked advice on how to improve skin conditions from dehydration to acne. Now, of course skin care and treatments as well as the Noetic side of things play a...

Brain Fog

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Most of us suffer from the odd memory lapse, especially when we have a busy home and work life, however, many women suffer ‘brain fog’, short term memory loss which can leave you feeling scared...

The Ego Enthusiasts

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

I have a fascination of how the mind works and how certain behaviors affect the human being. We often think that the ego is to do with arrogance and self absorption but in fact the...

The Crystal Maze

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Crystals have a way of dipping in and out of trend. I have always been a fan, even from a small child I had a fascination with them. Below are some questions I was asked...