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Negotiating with the Liver

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

'We need to negotiate with the liver' this is a quote often heard by myself when I am advising on congestion of the skin and menstrual issues. Believe it or not the liver plays a...

Tongue Action

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

The tongue is not just taste organ, it also holds many other wonderful secrets. It is the main method of diagnosis in Traditional Chines Medicine, the analysis of the size, colour, texture and coatings determine the...

The Beautiful You

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder that may be true, after all we all have our superficial likes and dislikes. What one person finds attractive another may not necessarily so. Society...

Myra’s Morsels

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

My very dear friend and client Myra has been experimenting with the supplements and created some wonderful protein balls and flapjacks. She has been kind enough to share her recipes below for you to enjoy!...

A Bit Of A Stretch

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Stretch marks occurs when there is a  rapid growth of the skin, they can affect both men and women. They can appear from rapid weight gain or loss, body building, hormonal influences and of course the...

The Healing Cycle

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

I have spoken and advised hundreds of people over the years about improving their wellbeing, I have never treated conditions just looked at an individuals symptoms, dietary habits and lifestyle choices and then worked out specific programs...

Western Medicine Vs Complimentary

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

There is a great following of alternative therapies including many people in the western medical field. I myself have treated many GP’s, Nurses and Consultants along with members of their families. However, unfortunately for many...


Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Skin care ingredients are forever under scrutiny, many love the organic, natural ingredients – myself included. The problem is when there is any product containing water there has to be a preservative to prevent bacterial...

You Can Be Your Own Problem Or Solution

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Be very careful what words you speak, not only towards others, as we sadly know what power negative words have on others, especially on social media platforms, but more importantly be care what words you...

The Hayfever Horrors

Posté par Marie Reynolds le

Itchy eyes, runny itchy nose, scratchy throat, exhaustible sneezing, hyper sensitive skin, wheezing, tight chest …yes, all of these delightful symptoms and more, are the gifts that hay fever freely give to you. Hay fever...