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The Fusion


The Fusion is a breakthrough facial rejuvenation method created by Marie Reynolds incorporating intra-dermal needles, facial acupuncture, gold micro-magnets, lymphotouch and a copper oxide microcurrent mask to stimulate qi (life force)  promoting flow of nutrients and oxygen into the skins tissues. Its precision-guided, cutting edge technologies target the core essence of facial rejuvenation leaving the skin glowing and sculpted.


How it's done

  • STEP 1
  • A full consultation and explanation of treatment. will commence.

  • STEP 2
  • Double cleanse follow with ultrasonic.

  • STEP 3
  • Lymphotouch to the face & neck to clear metabolic waste

  • STEP 4
  • Strategic placement of the micro magnet matrix

  • STEP 5
  • Copper infused Hyaluronic mask is applied with micro current .

  • STEP 6
  • Serums, spritz and hydrators are applied with SPF